Welcome to Hankintailmoitukset.fi API!

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Hilma APIs

Hankintailmoitukset.fi API consists of two products: AVP-Read (Additional Value Provider) and ETS-Write (Electronic Tender Sender). Both API's support self-registration in the portal. To self-register, create subscribtion to corresponding product in the API portal.

AVP API is available for use immediately after creating the subscription. ETS API subscriptions are created pending approval. Please contact Hansel Oy at yllapito@hankintailmoitukset.fi to start the process / for additional information. The API keys and such are managed by the user in the self service portal.

We have updated our Terms of Service, which will be effective September 1, 2020.

By using the API, you accept the Terms of Service


ETS API is for sending notices to Hilma and TED. Limitations and requirements on the API usage apply. Subscription approval required before usage.
ETS API online documentation


AVP API is for fetching open data from hankintailmoitukset.fi. The API is free to use.
Commercial usage is allowed. Request rates however are limited per API key and the API does not serve CORS headers.

Check out the documentation repo in Github!